Use twine at Simply Magnolia
It’s Sunday and time for another challenge at Simply Magnolia. Our theme this week is: USE TWINE! We have a great sponsor: Stamping Tilda who is offering a voucher to a lucky winner.…
Shaker card at Simply Magnolia
Hi! It’s Sunday and time for another challenge at Simply Magnolia. This week we want to see SHAKER cards. This was a real challenge for me, because I never made a shaker card…
Sitting Tilda With Butterfly
Hi! At the moment it’s hail outside (or should I say hell), our front lawn is white like in the middle of the winter. We still have electricity at the moment, but I’m…
Tilda catching stars
Vikend + antibiotik! Hvala za vse nasvete, ki ste mi jih napisale glede barvanja digijev z distresi. Izdelati moram še kar nekaj voščilnic, tako da bo kar zanimivo. Mogoče bi se morala malo…
Tilda with ugg boots
This is a birthday card that I made for a friends co-worker She told me this she likes colours but not red! Red is not one of my favourite colours either. I used my new TH on the…