My first la-la land card ❤
After some time just thinking about it, today I finally bought my first la-la land stamp, called Paper Doll Marci. I bought a digi and had a little problem with colouring, but it came out pretty. I definitely prefer rubber stamps, it’s just that great feeling when you hold your (new) stamp in your hands. lol
Dies used are mostly from la-la land and there’s also a doohickey tag stuck under layers.
Here we go, I hope you’ll like her.
For this project I used:
- colors: TH distress ink markers and distress ink pads
- ink: archival black
- watercolor paper: Langton HP 300g
- design papers: Maja design
- stamps: Paper Doll Marci, grungy sentiments from LOTV
- dies: La-la land, Magnolia
- white lace
- flowers from I am roses, woc
- stickles glue (stardust)
- christmas bells
- white picket fence crackle paint
- brown cord.
Hugs, t.
10 komentarjev
wow ! fantastic, i haven't la la land stamp yet 🙂
Sarah - Crea S
Wow Tamara, you have done a pretty amazing job! I totally get what you mean about those new stamps holding in your hand! But it has become a real Tamara sooo..; Hugs,
I don't see any problem with your coloring Tamara!!! The result is truly beautiful just in your subtle coloring style, which I love.
Beautiful arrangement of dies as well.
Congrats on your first La-La 🙂
Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P.
Čudovito pobarvana in zelo lepo narejena voščilnica
lp Tamara
Your card is wonderful! I love the colours, the design and all details and your colouring is just fantastic.
Ti znas vsako stampiljko oz. odtis spremeniti v pravljico s svojim barvanjem. Zelo lepo.
OMG this is stunning, I have never liked La La Land images as I found them intimidating, you have inspired me.
So I have bought this image, hope I hope you won't mind but I love where you have put the folds, I will be taking inspiration from your image.
I am you new follower I just love your creations.
Hugs Keeley x x
Tole sem si prišla z veseljem ogledat!! 🙂 Zelo lepa je in upam tudi, da ni zadnja.
Rebecca Bradshaw
Wow, this is such a perfect creation! The colours are so soft and dreamy and your die-cuts look stunning.
Joj, joj, nekaj drugega pri tebi, a zato nič manj lepega. Močno si okrasila voščilnico, odtisek je pobarvan tako, da lahko rečem samo "kapo dol", hi hi hi … ampak še vseeno, kot že veš, so mi tvoje Tilde ljubše, ker vem, kako rada jih imaš in to se vidi in čuti na izdelkih, ki jih narediš. Pa ne me narobe razumeti, tudi s to ni čisto nič narobe, :), :), :).