Teddybear Love
Hello! It’s a public Holiday here in Slovenia today and the weather is awfull. 🙁 I think it’s going to rain in about a minute, so no outdoor activities today. (which only means…
Loving bridal couple
All I’ve been hearing these last few weeks is frantage this and frantage that …. 50 % of the DT’s cards on different blogs are frantaged. Well, I ordered some … truthfully A…
For a Special lady at Marvelous Magnolias
It’s time for my ♥ Purple team ♥ to show our inspiration cards for the new challenge at Marvelous Magnolias. I’m so proud to be on the DT with such talented ladies. Sometimes…
Tangled Tilda
Hi! There is a new challenge at Time for Magnolia Chall. blog and this time they want us to make Easel cards. I never made one before, so I was struggling at the…
Tilda with Big tulips
Hello my darlings! One of my cards, Tilda with big tulips, was chosen into top 5 on Fashionista Challenge blog. If I want to win a huge prize I need your votes. So…
Pocket card – Simply Magnolia DT Card
Hello, hello … What a week. 🙂I had my Birthday this week and my boyfriend took me to Beyonce’s concert in Zagreb. It was soooo cool, Beyonce is such a great performer and…
Princess Pea Tilda
Zdravo! Tokrat sem se lotila posebnega izziva. Pri Midweek Magnoliji imajo izziv imenovan Copycat. Izziv določa izzivalcem naj poustvarijo eno izmed voščilnic njihove DT ali pa naredijo voščilnico, ki jo je navdihnila ena…
Tilda with heart chain
A lahko verjamete temu vremenu. Mislim, resno? Včeraj je bilo lepo sončno, 17 °C, pa veter na polno, danes pa spet ta dež … v obeh primerih sem bila lepo noter! Naredila nisem…