Bookmarks / Tags

Wizard ♥♥♥ Stamping Bella

Tamara here with you with my new project which is actually a bookmark. Last month I was asked to do bookmarks with my school kids for the international trade and I used Stamping Bella’s images on mine and kids loved colouring them. After stamping them I realised I haven’t used my Wizard image. I decided to use it and make a bookmark myself.

Image used is called Oddball Wizard – you know how much I love Oddballs.

Image was stamped using Archival Ink – Jet Black on 300g HP watercolour paper and then coloured up with Distress Ink pads.

Distress Ink pads used:
skin: vintage photo
beard: hickory smoke, black soot
outfit: black soot, stormy sky
bag: ground espresso
bottle: peeled paint, black soot

To make the card I used some Wizard papers from Echo park and some matching dies.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Hugs, t.

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