
Gucci Tilda ❀ I am roses

Today I’m sharing with you a gift box I made for I am roses design team. Box was made completely from scratch. I cut the base and all the layers myself and then decorated them with pretty flowers and lots of design papers.
Image used is called Gucci Tilda and it’s from Magnolia. Design papers used are from Maja Design.
I also decorated the inside. I used one of Stamping Bella sentiments.
I left some empty space to write a personal message.
I used lots of really pretty I am roses flowers:
There’s still an active challenge over at I am roses challenge blog, the theme is Anything goes. All you need to do is create something, use at least 2 IAR products on it and link it to iar challenge blog. Easy, right!? Did I tell you about the prizes? No? Well, they are AWESOME!!!!. You can get vouchers, not only the winner, but also top 3!!! wohooooo ….
Hugs, t.

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